CEMES collaborates in “Democracy”, exhibition, Athens

The exhibition titled “Democracy” opened at the National Gallery of Art of Athens on 11 July 2024 and run to February 2, 2025, with the collaboration of CEMES and other institutions, and curated by Art Director Syrago Tsiara. It is the first large international exhibition that focuses on art in relation to
Problems of Primitivism - beginning in Portugal

In the exhibition ‘Problemas do Primitivismo - a partir de Portugal’, from 18 May to 17 November, 2024 - Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães-CIAJG, curators Marta Mestre and Mariana Pinto dos Santos included, in one of the sections, extensive documentation from the three
Participation in the Serralves exhibition “Pre/Post - Visual Declinations of April 25”

Miguel von Hafe Perez, the exhibition's curator, chose three works by Ernesto de Sousa's 1976 series “Revolution My Body” to include in the exhibition at the Serralves Museum, “Pre/Post - Visual Declinations of April 25”, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Carnation
Slides by Ernesto de Sousa in the exhibiition "Manifestations of Freedom"

Slides by Ernesto de Sousa in the exhibiition "Manifestations of Freedom" as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974, at the Lisbon Municipal Photographic Archive. More publications at instagram/ernesto_de_sousa, and, until August
Book launch of "Exercies of Poetic Communication(...) in TURIN, after Milano

This book is launched on 3 November, at 18 hrs. at the bookshop Paint It Black Via Fratelli Calandra 6/A, 10123, TurinOn the occasion a performative lecture by Pedro Barateiro "Kissing someone in the Middle of the Crowd: Translating Ernesto de Sousa's "Orality, the Future
"Based on the phrase "My Body Is Your Body", a reinterpretation by Rui Órfão of Ernesto de Sousa's work, the Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra launched a challenge to the artistic community, from which it selected six new artistic projects that will coexist at CAPC
Last letter from Alger 10 octobre 1962
Selection from one of Ernesto de Sousa's "Cartas do Meu Magreb", (ed. Tinta da China) exhibition sheet at Cristina Lamas' "September Days" exhibition in Algiers, 23-25.09.2023, at Les Ateliers Sauvages, under the auspices of the Camões Institute (38 Rue Didouche Mourad - Alger)). Les
"Lágrimas de Crocodilo" incldes essay on Photography by Ernesto de Sousa

"Crocodile Tears - Photography and Criticism in Portugal 1980-2000" by Susana Lourenço Marques was presented in Lisbon, which includes in a previous point (0) a text by Ernesto de Sousa published in the Dictionary of Universal Painting, Vol 1, Lisbon , Estudios Cor, 1962, p.
Les Penínsules dámarrées, Trois histoires exemplaires par J.L. Porfírio
In the exhibition catalogue, José Luís Porfírio outlines 3 exemplary stories in Portugal in the 1970s: Dulce d'Agro (Galeria Quadrum), Fernando Pernes (Museu Soares dos Reis) and Ernesto de Sousa (Alternativa Zero) -. they are, each in their own way, key players in the change that has taken
Homage to ERNESTO DE SOUSA - MVM Museo Vostell Malpartida Cáceres

Exhibition of documentary material from the Happening Vostell Archive on the artist's presence in Malpartida de Cáceres, with research and editing by José A. Agundez, Josefa Morillo and Alberto Flores.Conference by Rui Eduaro Paes and historical introduction in images by Isabel Alves. Presentation
Projecting Ernesto de Sousa at the Municipal Photo Archive
Projecting Ernesto de Sousa ( Projetar Ernesto de Sousa) Discussion and projection of original slides by Ernesto de Sousa on deposit in the Municipal Photographic Archive with Isabel Alves, Isabel Corda, Luís Pavão, Maria José Silva, Paula
Magazine ARTE E CULTURA VISUAL– #2 - dedicated to the Centenary of Ernesto de Sousa
Launch of the #2 ARTE E CULTURA VISUAL magazine – dedicated to the Centenary of Ernesto de Sousa, Conception and Editorial Direction: Isabel Nogueira, Edition Center for Research and Studies in Fine Arts (CIEBA), with texts by Isabel Nogueira, Ana Soares, David Santos, Fernando Paulo Rosa Dias, Liliana
Ernesto de Sousa, Exercises of Poetic Communication with Other Aesthetic Operators Galerias Municipais de Lisboa, Quadrum e Índia Galleries until 27 Feb 2022 This centenary exhibition of Ernesto de Sousa’s birth (1921-1988), the multifaceted
José Miranda Justo, «One more visit to "Revolution my Body - nr. 1" on line

Conversation «Still revisiting "Revolution my Body - nr. 1" by Ernesto de Sousa» with professor José Miranda Justo at the Museu Coleção Berardo. (...) the concept of heterogeneity is the truly rich one that gives us a dimension of infinity in relation to
Photograph by Ernesto de Sousa in "The Human Family" Collection, curated by Jorge Calado

“The Human Family”, curated by Jorge Calado, in the Neo-Realism Museum, de Vila-Franca de Xira, integrates a photo by Ernesto de Sousa: “Mercado da Rua Escura, Largo Redondelo, Porto, c. 1962” (?) will be partially on display fro 10 Jul 21-29_Maio_22.Collection has today (2021) 375
Luiz Vaz 73 - mixed media na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Mixed-media Luiz Vaz 73 by Jorge Peixinho and Ernesto de Sousa was presented on the stage of the "grande auditório" at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. The set-up was directed by Jaime Reis and Rita Fabiana, with the intervention of the Group of the Contemporary
MEU AMIGO (MY FRIEND) - Works and documents from the Ernesto de Sousa Collection MNAC 05-18- to 2021-09-26

The work of Helena Almeida - Meu Amigo (My Friend)- which gives the title to the exhibition, symbolizes the sharing and artistic companionship that punctuated Ernesto de Sousa's entire life. His aesthetic, historical and critical activity developed from neorealism to the most revolutionary neo-avant-garde of the
Centenary of Ernesto de Sousa celebrated at the Appleton Associação Cultural

Centenary of Ernesto de Sousa celebrated at the Appleton Associação Cultural The Appleton Associação Cultural presents the Ernesto de Sousa Cycle from April 8 to 22, to celebrate the centenary of this free and experimental artist, who dedicated himself to the study,
Against Abstraction, Works of the CGD Collection in Sines

As from 6 July onwards the work "This is Painting on Paper", 1977, by Ernesto de Sousa integrates the exhibition"Against Abstraction", works of the Collection of of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, curated by Sandra Vieira Jurgens at the Sines Cultural Centre. This work is
Revista on line wrongwrong publishes films by Ernesto de Sousa
On line magazine wrongwrong no.15, June 2019 shows 3 films by Ernesto de Sousa, “Happy People”, “Havia um homem que corria” e “Nós não estamos
Work by Ernesto de Sousa integrates an exhibition in the Czech Republic until the end of September 2019

Ernesto de Sousa’s work Revolution my Body no. 1, 1977, (photographic contact sheets and texts (18 elements) belonging to the Museu Coleção Berardo was included in the exhibition Carnations and Velvet. Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia (1968-1974-1989 ) co-curated
ERNESTO DE SOUSA "The right hand does not know what the left is doing"

ERNESTO DE SOUSA "The right hand does not know what the left is doing"Curator: Paula Parente Pinto25-04-/ 18-05-2019 atEspaço Mira, PortoThis exhibition brings to the public about 60 unpublished photos that Ernesto de Sousa made in Oporto around 1965, the year he publishes "For the Study of
Arworks by Ernesto de Sousa in the exhibition Constellations I & II
Exhibition "Constellations I & II - a choreography of minimal gestures" at Museu Coleção Berardo, curated by Ana Rito and Hugo Barata has included two works by Ernesto de Sousa: Revolution My Body no. 1 and Recolution my body no. 2 (film and performance). Catalogue with
Ernesto de Sousa KEEP IN TOUCH

The exhibition ERNESTO DE SOUSA: KEEP IN TOUCH (06-04 - 11-05-2019) at Diferença Gallery gathers a group of works and documents that belong to the Isabel Alves andErnesto de Sousa’s private collection. The invitation Isabel made to Pedro Barateiro and Ricardo Valentim to organize organize
Ernesto de Sousa: A plural interventor in the World of Arts - Faculty of Letters of the Lisbon University

Ernesto de Sousa: A Plural Interventor in the World of Arts - FLUL Faculty of Letters CEC Centre for Comparative StudiesErnesto de Sousa Journey FLUL CEC - November 30 - Room B2 (library)Exhibition in the hall of the FLUL from 15-11 to 8-12-2018Projection of the film "Dom Roberto", by Ernesto de Sousa (102
The Zero Alternative: Ernesto de Sousa and some other aesthetic operators in Portuguese (...)

Presentation at MAAT OEI #80-81. "The zero alternative: Ernesto de Sousa and some other aesthetic operators in Portuguese art and poetry from the 1960s onwards.” (640 pages) Editors: Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg; associate editors: Hugo Canoilas and Tobi Maier. This
The Propitiatory Practices of Future Events by Vera Mantero, 2018

"The Propitiatory Practices of Future Events"Artitic direction Vera ManteroInterpretantion and co-criation: Henrique Furtado Vieira, Paulo Quedas e Vânia RoviscoIn this piece Vera Mantero addresses the work of the Portuguese theoretical and multidisciplinary artist Ernesto de Sousa
“Aesthetic operators” in experimental Portuguese art and poetry during the 1960s, 70s and 80s

Invited by OEI publishers, the custodian of the Ernesto de Sousa archives, Isabel Alves (Lisbon) and the philosopher José Miranda Justo (Lisbon) meet in a talk on the artist, film-maker, curator and critic Ernesto de Sousa, and the pivotal exhibition “Alternativa
Supergood – Dialogues with Ernesto de Sousa at the MAAT, Lisbon.

With the curatorship of Hugo Canoilas and Inês Grosso, Supergood - Dialogues with Ernesto de Sousa is thought from the transversal work of the multidisciplinary artist Ernesto de Sousa, in a dialogue with works that promote new readings about his legacy and its political and cultural dimensions of artists
Exhibition "Ernesto de Sousa Contact Sheets, 1972-1980 and Olympia, 1979" at Galeria Quadrado Azul (Lisbon)

This exhibition - which presents Ernesto de Sousa contact sheets from the 1970s - allows us to understand how he learned to use photography as a tool to explore some of his fundamental concerns: the permanent collaborative spirit (it’s no accident that many of the "motifs" represented
Ernesto de Sousa at the XIX Cerveira Biennale

on the tribute to Ernesto de Sousa by the Cerveira Art Biennial Foundation - ---- -------ERNESTO DE SOUSA: “THE RIGHT HAND DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THE LEFT HAND IS DOING ... .." - ------- Curator: Paula Pinto------- ------- XIX Bienal de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira - A word about photography... it is
The Promised Land – Requiem for Vilarinho das Furnas, 1979, at the Accidental Photographer at Culturgest

19 May-3 September 2017The Promised Land – Requiem para Vilarinho das Furnas, 1979 integrates "The Accidental Photographer Serialism and Experimentation in Portugal, 1968-1980", curated by Delfim Sardo. This exhibition is an attempt to map the critical and conceptual use of photography by visual artists in
Almada, um Nome de Guerra at Cinemateca Portuguesa

Reinterpretation of the "mixed media" Almada, um Nome de Guerra of Ernesto Sousa, composed of several film and slide projections simultaneously and by an elaborate sound component, which combines the music of Jorge Peixinho with the voice of Almada Negreiros. This mixed-media can be seen for the second time at the
Almada, um Nome de Guerra at CAM in 2017

The projection of Almada, Um Nome de Guerra has been announced in the additional activities to the exhibition "José de Almada Negreiros: a way of being modern" at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in 2017. The projection in scheduled for friday, March 3rd (hour to be confirmed), at CAM's multipurpose
Almada Negreiros' exhibition in 2017

CEMES is lending documentation and photos for the exhibition "José de Almada Negreiros: a way of being modern", a comprehensive retrospective on the work of an artist who propelled the avant-garde in the 1910s and whose career spanned the 20th century. Opens on February
Dom Roberto in Coimbra in Novembro

Screening of Dom Roberto presented by Abílio Hernandez at the “Conservatório de Música de Coimbra”, on November 1st, 2016,
Talk at FLUL

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.With José Miranda Justo, Cláudia Pestana and Isabel Alves. It included the projection of images of Ernesto de Sousa and his
Exhibition "Decorativo, apenas? Júlio Pomar e a integração das Artes"

Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar, Lisbon, May 5th to September 4th de Setembro, 2016. Curated by Catarina Rosendo. The Ernesto de Sousa estate loaned drawings and photographs of Júlio Pomar's mural for Cinema Batalha, destroyed during Salazar's
Festival FUSO 2015
Garden of the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Museu do Chiado, 23h.Isabel Alves presents the film program Encontros Solares: Phil Niblock e Ernesto de Sousa.Phill Niblock, The Magic Sun, 1966, 17'. Joaquim Barata, Encontro do Guincho, 1969, 5'. Manuel Torres, Encontro do
O Que um Livro Pode

Publicações em Acção, Atelier Real, 16h.Presentation of publications from the Ernesto de Sousa's estate, commented by Filipa Valadares (STET) and Isabel Alves
Launch of the catalogue of the exhibition "O teu Corpo é o meu Corpo – Coleção de Cartazes de Ernesto de Sousa"

your body is my body — o teu corpo é o meu corpo: Ernesto de Sousa's poster collection

Berardo Collection Museum, April 17th to December 31st, 2015.The exhibition presents a selection of around four hundred art and political posters from Portugal and abroad, taken from the collection assembled by Ernesto de Sousa throughout his life, and dating from between 1933 and 1988.This series of posters, now
Work on the estate in exhibition

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Paris, February 4th to April 25th, 2015.Loan of Robert Filliou’s La Recherche sur L’Origine (1974) to integrate the exhibition "Pliure. Prologue (La Part du
Paperworks, Beyond Drawing

Galeria Belo-Galsterer, January 29th to March 31st, 2015. Some works by Ernesto de Sousa are shown in this collective exhibition. On February 28th, the gallery hosts a conversation about Ernesto de Sousa's work with art historians Mariana Pinto dos Santos (IHA, Lisbon) and Margarida Medeiros (FCSH, Lisbon),
Anniversary of Art
Celebration of the 1.000.052nd Anniversary of Art, at Círculo de Artes Plásticas de
Conference about Ernesto de Sousa

ESAD, Caldas da Rainha.With Isabel Alves, Marta Galvão Lucas, Catarina Câmara Pereira and Luísa Soares de Oliveira. In the afternoon, a meeting at Estúdio with the presentation of Este é o Meu Corpo n.º
raum: online artist residencies

Residence by Ana Baliza, October 1st to 14th, 2014.The Visitor’s Profile: A digital archive for Ernesto de Sousa is available at
Túlia Saldanha at the Modern Art Center

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, CAM, June 5th to September 28th, 2014. Curated by Rita Fabiana and Liliana Coutinho.For Túlia Saldanha's retrospective exhibition CEMES lent photographic material, objects and texts. "The exhibition shows the work of one of the first artists to work in the field of
Ernesto de Sousa: O Teu Corpo é o Meu Corpo (1965-1975)

Album with photographs and texts by Ernesto de Sousa. Editing and text by Paula Pinto.Print run of 100 numbered copies + 10 copies out of trade. Additional copies will be printed on demand. Oporto, May 2014.Includes: unpublished poems (1965-1975), 35 pages of facsimiled texts and 10 contact sheets 29 x 24.5 cm
Ernesto de Sousa and Popular Art – Around the Exhibition 'Barristas e Imaginários'

José de Guimarães International Arts Centre, April 26th to July 6th, 2014. Curated by Nuno Faria, with the assistance of João Covita.This exhibition aims to reactivate Ernesto de Sousa’s research into Portuguese popular art and sculpture, against the background of the 1964 exhibition,
Screening of documentary on "Alternativa Zero"
"Artes Plásticas, Teatro e Cinema em Contexto Revolucionário – 25 de Abril, Sempre" program, Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema.Screening of Alternativa Zero by Fernando Curado Matos (Super 8, 40', 1977). In Alternativa Zero Fernando Curado Matos documented the mythic
A Revolução Tem de Estar Perto

Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, March 15th to April 9th, 2014. Curated by José Bártolo.An in-progress curatorial project developed around the importance of Ernesto de Sousa and CAPC in building and sharing ideas of vanguard in the 70s and 80s. It is structured from the selection and
"Crianças Autistas" film

Transcription of the film Crianças Autistas from 16mm to DVD, by CEMES.Ernesto de Sousa filmed João dos Santos interacting with autistic children. A rare document in which can be seen how easily João dos Santos addressed these children, letting himself be touched and observed by them, thus turning
Ernesto de Sousa, Vanguarda e Almada Negreiros
Presentation of the paper by João Rafael Ferreira Gomes. Colóquio Internacional Almada Negreiros, Calouste Gulbenkian
Almada, Um Nome de Guerra at Cinemateca
Almada Negreiros International Colloquium, Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema.Reinterpretation of Ernesto de Sousa's mixed media, composed of simultaneous film and slide projections and by an elaborated sound component that combines Jorge Peixinho's music with Almada's voice. If the main
Between Memory and Archive

Berardo Collection Museum, July 3rd, 2013 to January 5th, 2014. Curated by Ruth Rosengarten.The exhibition integrated Ernesto de Sousa's Revolution My Body nr. 2. Museum's
Projecto Sociedade: Exhibition "Arquivo"

Galeria Fernando de Azevedo, SNBA, June 2nd, 2013.CEMES participated in "Um século em 24 horas" with memories from the SNBA and CFA, a series of interviews led by the curators Frederico Duarte and Nuno Faria, part of the
Franklin Vilas Boas seen by Ernesto de Sousa
Permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Ethnology, Lisbon.The permanent exhibition of the museum now includes a donation by Ernesto de Sousa's estate – 17 sculptures by Franklin Vilas Boas and photographic documentation by Ernesto de Sousa showing his
Are you Still Awake?

MNAC – Museu do Chiado, December 13th, 2012 to March 30th, 2013. Curated by Emília Tavares.Ernesto de Sousa was represented in the group exhibition Are you Still Awake? with the piece Revolution My Body nr. 2 (Super 8 film and performance, 1976) in which the public was invited to
Workshop "Revisiting Ernesto de Sousa in Kassel"
Curators’ Lab, Fábrica ASA Guimarães, November 28th to December 1st, 2012.This workshop was organized by António Contador and Filipa Ramos and centered on Ernesto de Sousa's slides of his visit to “Documenta 5". Further information on this workshop can be found in the book on
"Documentando Dom Roberto" at Cinemateca Portuguesa
Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema, November 2nd to December 3rd, 2012. CEMES and Cinemateca Portuguesa.On the fiftieth anniversary of Ernesto de Sousa's film Dom Roberto we present an exhibition of documents from the Ernesto de Sousa estate, news cutting of the production process, posters, memorabilia
Almada, Um Nome de Guerra and Nós Não Estamos Algures in Serralves

Casa de Serralves, July 6th to August 26th, 2012. Exhibition and re-staging of Almada, Um Nome de Guerra and Nós Não Estamos Algures.Reinterpretation of two mixed media by Ernesto de Sousa Almada, Um Nome de Guerra and Nós Não Estamos Algures. Developed during the 1960s and 70s, these
50th Anniversary of Dom Roberto celebrated at Guimarães
Guimarães 2012 and the Center for Art and Architecture Affairs (CAAA) presented Documentando Dom Roberto, a selection of documents from the Ernesto de Sousa estate, contemporary to the production, development and premiere of the film: images of the making of, filming plans, news of the production process,
"Oralidade, futuro da arte?" published in Brazil

Collection of texts by Ernesto de Sousa written between 1957 and 1987. Editora Escrituras, Col. Ponte Velha, São Paulo.The book brings together texts and interviews published in magazines and some unpublished ones. The book's title refers to an essay presented at 1º Encontro de Críticos de
Ernesto de Sousa and the Portuguese Primitives
Manuel Batoréo, Edição Caleidoscópio, Lisbon. Launch at Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, November 27th, 2011. Excerpt from the preface to Os "Primitivos Portugueses" e a Gravura do Norte da Europa:It's been about five decades since my friend Ernesto de Sousa, in one of
"Cartas do meu Magrebe" published by Tinta da China
Cartas do meu Magrebe by Ernesto de Sousa. Published by Tinta da China.Ernesto de Sousa a central character of Portuguese culture, particularly in visual and cinematic arts, is considered the forerunner of the so-called "new cinema". En route to Germany to present his movie Dom Roberto, Ernesto de Sousa
"O Que é a Vanguarda" read by Rafael Dionísio
The writer João Rafael Dionísio reads an excerpt from a text by Ernesto de Sousa on aesthetic and artistic
Open class on "Oralidade, Futuro da Arte"
FBAUP, Oporto, May 26, 2011. Open class by Isabel Alves, CEMES coordinator."... What is important is to begin"On the pretext of the work and life of Ernesto de Sousa (1921-1988), an essential character in a culture which we situate in a universe without constricting divisions or, in his own words, oblivious
Posters from the collection in exhibition at ZDB
"All Power to the People: A arte revolucionária de Emory Douglas e os Panteras Negras", Galeria Zé dos Bois, March 3rd to June 4th, 2011.CEMES lent posters from Ernesto de Sousa'a collection: Black Panthers, PAIGC, FRELIMO, among others. One of these posters, “Free Angela / Free our
Ernesto de Sousa participates in "Jornal Mural"
Presented in the streets of Lisbon from November 4th onwards. Jornal Mural is an urban intervention conceived as means to create a situation where cultural agents try to address a specific audience: the population of the city of Lisbon while it goes on with its daily routine.The space opened up by this gesture
Ernesto de Sousa’s photographs interact with a poetic text by Priya Sarukkai Chabria
Magazine Vislumbres nr. 2: Portrait Rita Casanova (Embassy of Portugal), member of the editorial Board of nr. 2 of Vislumbres, is responsible for the inclusion of six Portuguese artists and writers.Vislumbres is a yearly journal. We quote from the editorial “its express aim is to offer a space for
"Luiz Vaz 73" at Gulbenkian

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, CAM, November 17th to December 13th, 2009. Live performance on November 19th, by the Contemporary Music Group of Lisbon. Mixed media with electronic music by Jorge Peixinho and images by Ernesto de Sousa.The mixed media Luiz Vaz 73 was first displayed in 1975, at the 5th International
"The 70’s: Crossing Borders" at Gulbenkian
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, CA, October 9th, 2009 to January 3rd, 2010. Curated by Raquel Henriques da Silva, research by Ana Filipa Candeias and Ana Ruivo, curatorial assistance by Rita Fabiana.Ernesto's decade is the object an exhibition at the Modern Art Center. Ernesto de Sousa's installation Olympia
What to Show Now

Experimenta Design’09, Palácio Braamcamp, Pátio do Tijolo 25, September 9th to November 8th, 2009. CEMES in partnership with ESAD Matosinhos.Nine Portuguese designers were invited to this project, curated by José Manuel Bartolo, questioning them about the motivations that inform their work,
Projecto Chão and Paulo T. Silva evoke Ernesto de Sousa and Almada Negreiros

Rua Anchieta, nr. 31, July 22th to 29th. Organized by Projecto Chão.CalendarJuly 22nd to 29th, Wednesday to Wednesday, from 3PM to 8PM: Re Inventar o Dia Claro, installation by Paulo T. Silva.July 22nd to 29th, Wednesday to Wednesday, from 3PM to 8PM: Re Começar, an initial inventory of materials
Posters from the collection at the exhibition "À Esquerda da Esquerda"
Galeria Zé dos Bois, April 18th to May 2nd, 2009.CEMES lent posters from Ernesto de Sousa's collection for the exhibition "À Esquerda da Esquerda: Documentos para a História de uma
Presentation of CEMES at the "Entre-Margens" program
FCT's Chemistry Meeting Room. Program coordinated by Raquel Henriques da Silva (FCSH/UNL) and Rita Macedo (FCT/UNL). On the initiative of the Department of Conservation and Restoration, three board members, Emília Tavares, Marco Reixa and Isabel Alves presented Centro de Estudos Multidisciplinares Ernesto
Book "Vanguarda & Outras Loas"
Vanguarda & Outras Loas: Percurso teórico de Ernesto de Sousa, an essay by Mariana Pinto dos Santos was published by Assírio &
Exhibition by José Rodrigues in Évora
Inquisition Palace, Évora, until August 31st.José Rodrigues presents an anthological exhibition where he shows the most experimental part of his work since 1972, when he crossed paths with Ernesto de Sousa. A Lettera 22 typewriter belonging to Ernesto de Sousa is part of the installation. José M.
"Dom Roberto" in Brazil
"Os Verdes Anos do Cinema Português" exhibition, São Paulo, August.The film Dom Roberto is part of this exhibition in São Paulo. The program has the support of the Portuguese Consulate in Brazil, through Instituto Camões and is already sponsored by Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil
Legal constitution of CEMES
Legal constitution of the non-profit association Centro de Estudos Multidisciplinares Ernesto de Sousa (CEMES).The association aims to represent the Ernesto de Sousa's estate and to bring together all the means necessary for its preservation and dissemination; the promotion and dissemination of art and culture in
Conversations on mixed media
"Um Teatro Sem Teatro" exhibition, Berardo Collection Museum. Conference by Ricardo Nicolau.Projection of the films Nós não estamos Algures (Ernesto de Sousa, 1969), O Encontro do Guincho (Ernesto de Sousa and Noronha da Costa, 1969) and Rotura (Ana Hatherly,
15 Years BES
Espaço Avenida, Av. da Liberdade 211, Lisbon, January 15th to 19th, 2008.The 15th anniversary of BES (Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship) was celebrated with the launch of the book 15 Anos da Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa and a vast program of installations, concerts and performances.Download the
Revolution My Body: Ernesto de Sousa's retrospective

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, March 5th to April 26th, 1998. Commissioned by Helena de Freitas and Miguel Wandschneider. Catalogue with texts by the curators, José Mirand Justo and Margarida Medeiros. The exhibition features João Paulo Feliciano's