

"Based on the phrase "My Body Is Your Body", a reinterpretation by Rui Órfão of Ernesto de Sousa's work, the Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra launched a challenge to the artistic community, from which it selected six new artistic projects that will coexist at CAPC Sede between October and December 2023.
My Body Is Your Body is an inversion of the name created by Ernesto de Sousa to group together a series of actions, performances and exhibitions: "Your Body Is My Body". This period of the artist's work includes graphic, photographic and filmic production, poetic texts and mixed-media works realised between 1972 and 1988.

With works by Ana João Romana and Isabel Baraona, Anabela Veloso, Feilin, Inês Teles, Maria Fradinho and Rafaela Salgueiro, the exhibition MY BODY IS YOUR BODY reveals the body "as a medium for the artist-spectator relationship". The opening is scheduled for 14 October 2023, at CAPC Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra (Círculo Sede).