Fellowship awarded to David Maranha for the project Opera for Four Voices Confined between Two Diaphragms
Honorable Mention: Helder Luís
Jury: Phill Niblock, Barbara Held, Manuel Costa Cabral, Rui Eduardo Paes, Emanuel Dimas Pimenta e Isabel Alves
Opera for Four Voices Confined between Two Diaphragms
A cross section of a sapely tree one meter in diameter lies on the floor. The section has four perpendicular perforations: four chambers confined between a vibratile diaphragm (woofer) and a latex diaphragm. The top surface of the wood is excavated and filled with a thin blade of water. To each sound released by the woofer, and in reaction to the compression waves originated by it, corresponds a wave like motion on the bed of water.
There are four voices recorded in each chamber.
Each voice gives out a whispered voice (in a very low volume) repeated in a cyclic way. The interval between two notes has enough length, so that, in the absense of vibration, the rest of the water surface is reestablished. The performer is able to control them through the mixer. A spot light projector on the ceiling is oriented towards the surface of water. Through its reflexion, the wave provoked on the water surface by the vibration of the diaphragm is visible in a white wall.
David Maranha's (Figueira da Foz, 1969) work comprises sculpture, music and architecture. In 1986, starts to work as a musician both solo and with several bands having release more than 30 albums since then. In 1989, creates osso exótico with André Maranha, António Forte and Bernardo Devlin.
With a regular and extensive live and recorded activity both in Portugal and abroad, David and his brother André have maintained this band with multiple collaborators, its current formation being composed by André Maranha, David Maranha, Francisco Tropa and Patrícia Machás.
Has also collaborated with musicians such as Z’EV, Emmanuel Holterbach, Helena Espvall, Phill Niblock, David Grubbs, Richard Youngs, Akio Suzuki, Will Guthrie, Andrea Belfi, Jochen Arbeit (einstürzende neubauten), Minit, DavidThomas (Pere Ubu), Phill Minton, Pete Simonelli, David Daniell, Arnold Dreyblatt, Jacob Kirkegaard, Carla Bozulich, Simon James Phillips, Chris Cutler, BJ Nilsen, Werner Durand, Robert Rutman, Ben Frost and Helge Sten.
He finished his studies in architecture in 1993 at the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and has created a body of work that includes public buildings such as museums, schools, hospitals, senior residences and cemeteries.
Is first sculpture was presented in 1993 on Boqueirão da Praia da Galé, Lisbon and was titled Montre. Other works include Opera, Experimental Intermedia (1998) New York and Wesleyan University (1998) Connecticut; Lá ao espelho, reflexo de si, (1999) Paris; Tríptico, David Maranha + Manuel Mota at Appleton Square (2012) Lisbon; knell dobre glas, Galeria Quadrado Azul, (2012) Porto; Pálio, Flausina, (2012) Lisbon; Pergelissolo, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, (2013) Berlin and Avenida da Liberdade, (2013) Lisbon; Penumbra, Tuned City Festival, (June 2013) Brussels e Prefiguração geográfica (Sismógrafo e Appleton Square, 2014).