
Projecto Chão and Paulo T. Silva evoke Ernesto de Sousa and Almada Negreiros

Projecto Chão and Paulo T. Silva evoke Ernesto de Sousa and Almada Negreiros

Rua Anchieta, nr. 31, July 22th to 29th.
Organized by Projecto Chão.


July 22nd to 29th, Wednesday to Wednesday, from 3PM to 8PM: Re Inventar o Dia Claro, installation by Paulo T. Silva.

July 22nd to 29th, Wednesday to Wednesday, from 3PM to 8PM: Re Começar, an initial inventory of materials related to the mixed media Almada, Um Nome de Guerra by Ernesto de Sousa.

July 23rd, Thursday, 9H30PM: Palavra ou olhar?, debate about "poetic-pictorial writing", with E. Mello e Castro, Mª Fátima Lambert and José Bártolo. Debate around calligrams, anagrams, visual poetry and "poetic-pictorial writing", a term used by the Italian Gillo Dorfles in a 1983 text where he affirms that the "exchange between writing and poetry, between word and letter, between literary and plastic elements" is "particularly alive in the Lusitanian nation".

July 24th, Friday, 9h30PM: Uma Criação Consciente de Situações, a debate around the work and legacy of Ernesto de Sousa, with Leonel Moura, Rui Eduardo Paes, Adriana Sá and João Fernandes.

Chão is a project for temporary occupation of derelict or transitional urban spaces through activities conceived according to the specificity of each location. The main objective of Chão is to create ephemeral stimulation cores that encourage such use of space and that reveal what is added and what remains in the city that changes, when that change is dictated by the full and actual experience of its space.

Projecto Chão webpage