Presented in the streets of Lisbon from November 4th onwards.
Jornal Mural is an urban intervention conceived as means to create a situation where cultural agents try to address a specific audience: the population of the city of Lisbon while it goes on with its daily routine.
The space opened up by this gesture represents an opportunity for artists, commissioners and other cultural agents to present a set of figures or works that form the cultural ground from which the artistic scene develops today. This "cultural ground" is a freedom and a responsibility and its presentation aims to overcome an empty space that leads to the non-understanding of what is done today by quite a large audience; and at the same time it restates that this is not the zero year, so present in some sectors of criticism as of the artistic practice.
Taking inspiration from the practice of PREC – Processo Revolucionário Em Curso [Ongoing Revolutionary Process] and of the Chinese dazibao, large posters used both as a mode of public communication and a form of protest, Jornal Mural enters the city's imaginary like the news about something which happened but which no one saw or witnessed entirely.
This gesture is also a political effort as it is an attempt to divert the attention of the city's inhabitants, to interrupt the experience of the grids we all inhabit. This interruption occurs with the offering of capital by these agents: an intellectual capital to be shared by an active community.
Text contributions by: Miguel Amado, Pedro Barateiro, Joana Bastos, Inês Botelho, Ana Cardoso, Maria Catuna, Nuno Cera, Filipa César, Nuno Crespo, Francisco Palma Dias, Pedro Falcão, Nuno Faria, José Manuel Fernandes, Miguel Ferrão, Rui Ferreira, João Figueiredo, Eduardo Guerra, Pedro Lagoa, Pedro Lapa, Gisela Leal, Francisco Sousa Lobo, Diogo Lopes, Nuno Luz, Ana Manso, João Maria, Pedro Neves Marques, Edgar Massul, Daniel Melim, Paulo Mendes, Sofia Nunes, Lúcia Prancha, Filipa Ramos (Julieta Aranda, Stephan Bruggemann, António Contador, Carla Cruz, Stefania Galegati, Mathieu Laurette, Cesare Pietroiusti, Marco Raparelli, Manuela Ribadeneira, Jamie Shovlin, Andrea de Stefani, Lisa Tan e Ignácio Uriarte), Pedro Diniz Reis, Pedro Ressano, André Romão, Renata Sancho, Luísa Santos, Gonçalo Sena, Sancho Silva, Rodrigo Silva, Thierry Simões, Luís Amorim de Sousa, Ernesto de Sousa, Paulo Pires do Vale and Virgínia Valente.
Distribution: Pedro Neves Marques, Andrea Brandão, Hugo Canoilas, Miguel Ferrão and Eduardo Guerra. Photography: Andrea Brandão e Eduardo Guerra. Video: Renata Sancho. Typesetting: Gonçalo Sena. Coordination: Hugo Canoilas. Contact: