Fellowship awarded to Manuel Mota for the project Treated Spatial Pain Reflex
Honorable Mention: Luísa Cunha
Jury: Phill Niblock, Arthur Stidfole, Manuel Costa Cabral, Rui Eduardo Paes, Emanuel Dimas Pimenta e Isabel Alves
Treated Spacial Pain Reflex
In a pre-determined small visitable room: random displacement of several recognizable objects that people can kick (with more or less difficulty)- like balls of various sizes, materials and weights, for example- in the pavement. attachment, by wax mounting, of two piezoelectric accelerometers on the pavement's surface (their position depends of the surface's area and structural solution of the building) and protected of physical contact with another body by means of two transparent boxes, attached to the ground; these accelerometers measure vibration (mostly utilized for scientific purposes, in civil engineering, on structural monitoring area; and are directly connected to preamplifiers to convert the high-impedance output of vibration transducers to a lower impedance signal, suitable for use with the other equipment needed. each preamplifier is connected to a set, of sound processors- a) equalizer, b) pitch controller, c) reverbs, delays and distortions; the two sets are equal and displaced on a table where the artist is working, sitting on a chair. The acoustic result is spread in the room by means of two loudspeakers placed on the same table, after being amplified and mixed.
Manuel Mota (Lisbon, 1970) is a guitarist with public activity since 1989. Has performed in Europe and U.S.A.
Between 1989 and 1997 he studied and experimented with prepared guitar, mainly acoustic. Since then his interests shifted to the development of a language for fingerstyle electric guitar.
Founder of the record label Headlights (1998).