Chegada à Praia do Guincho.The arrival at Praia do Guincho.Montagem do objecto. Da esquerda para a direita: Melo e Castro, Noronha da Costa, Ernesto de Sousa, Carlos Calvet e António Pedro Vasconcelos.Assembling the object. From left to right: Melo e Castro, Noronha da Costa, Ernesto de Sousa, Carlos Calvet and António Pedro Vasconcelos.Da esquerda para a direita: Antero Gabão, Melo e Castro, Carlos Gentil-Homem, Ernesto de Sousa e Isabel Alves.From left to right: Antero Gabão, Melo e Castro, Carlos Gentil-Homem, Ernesto de Sousa and Isabel Alves.O objecto de Noronha da Costa.The object by Noronha da Costa.O actor João Luís Gomes prepara-se para destruir a tiro o objecto de Noronha da Costa.The actor João Luís Gomes sets out to shoot the object.Carlos Calvet e Joaquim Barata a filmar o acontecimento.Carlos Calvet and Joaquim Barata filming the event.João Luís Gomes e Ernesto de Sousa.João Luís Gomes and Ernesto de Sousa.João Luís Gomes.João Luís Gomes.Ernesto de Sousa, Isabel Alves e Melo e Castro.Ernesto de Sousa, Isabel Alves and Melo e Castro.Os participantes abandonam a praia, levando consigo o objecto.The group leaves the beach taking the object with them.Piquenique em casa de Ernesto de Sousa e Isabel Alves na Rinchoa. Da esquerda para a direita: de pé, Artur Rosa, Maria Manuel Torres e João Luís Gomes; sentados, Jorge Peixinho, Maria Alberta Menéres, Carlos Gentil-Homem, Ernesto de Sousa e Melo e Castro.Picnic at Ernesto de Sousa and Isabel Alves's house in Rinchoa. From left to right: standing, Artur Rosa, Maria Manuel Torres and João Luís Gomes; sitting, Jorge Peixinho, Maria Alberta Menéres, Carlos Gentil-Homem, Ernesto de Sousa and Melo e Castro.Da esquerda para a direita: Aida Barata, Isabel Alves, Filomena Fernandes, Clotilde Rosa and Helena Almeida.From left to right: Aida Barata, Isabel Alves, Filomena Fernandes, Clotilde Rosa and Helena Almeida.Acesa discussão. Da esquerda para a direita: de pé, Francisco Bronze, Noronha da Costa, Melo e Castro e Artur Rosa; sentados, de costas, Ernesto de Sousa e Carlos Calvet.A fiery discussion. From left to right: standing, Francisco Bronze, Noronha da Costa, Melo e Castro and Artur Rosa; sitting, facing backwards, Ernesto de Sousa and Carlos Calvet.Da esquerda para a direita: Jorge Peixinho, Clotilde Rosa, Melo e Castro e Ernesto de Sousa.From left to right: Jorge Peixinho, Clotilde Rosa, Melo e Castro and Ernesto de Sousa.Ana Hatherly (sentada à esquerda) e Carlos Calvet (ao centro).Ana Hatherly (sitting on the left) and Carlos Calvet (in the centre).
Guincho beach and Rinchoa, April 3rd, 1969. A meeting organized by Ernesto de Sousa in collaboration with Noronha da Costa and Oficina Experimental.
In effect and in a deliberate and progressively more conscious way we seek to destroy the difference between critique and aesthetic operation, at least in the so far more or less discrete field of the "arts". The information-discussion of the new operative media of the modern aesthetic process (the preference of the conceptual over the objectual, of the project over the object) make that confluence more urgent and useful. A certain number of operations that we identify with our own creative project are example of this and other confluences (past-future, the same and the other, etc.). I will designate the meeting as art and the past as art. The first of such operations began in 1969 in a Meeting at Guincho.
Ernesto de Sousa, "Imaginar Portugal", Abril, nr. 4, May 1978.
The meeting's program included carrying an object by Noronha da Costa's to the beach, shooting it and recording those actions for a film by the same author. There was also a get-together at Ernesto de Sousa's house in Rinchoa.
The participants were Ana Hatherly, António Pedro Vasconcelos, Artur Rosa, Carlos Calvet (film), Clotilde Rosa, E. M. Melo e Castro, Ernesto de Sousa, Fernando Pernes, Helena Almeida, Jorge Peixinho, Manuel Baptista, Noronha da Costa and Oficina Experimental (Carlos Gentil-Homem, Joaquim Barata and Manuel Torres – film; João Luís Gomes – object destruction; Isabel Alves, Filomena Fernandes, Francisco Bronze, Lya Freire and Maria Manuela Torres).